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My material ranges from food, fashion, inspiration, life and whatever else may take my fancy. I write in the form of letters to my alter ego Veronica which gives me the freedom to discuss certain topics with a conversational and human voice. In essence my blog is for open discussions especially the philosophical variety. I hope you stick around and if you want to talk, don't be a stranger and drop me a comment. x

Monday 16 June 2014

Update, Grandfather, Writing

Dear V

So recently I began to think about uni (not that I haven't already thought about it...) and the only thing I got from that experience was to thoroughly confirm that I don't really know what I want to do in life (well occupation-wise).

It is also becoming clear that I'm ok with that...

It might sound cliche but what senior school has taught me was that nothing should be taken for granted. You go through your junior years watching the seniors who looked so ready for the world, and you tell yourself that there is plenty of time to think about 'after-school.' In retrospect there is never enough time to think about these kind of things; there is no testing the waters, just some idiot that pushed you fully-clothed into the water. No one ever is prepared for life. I hope I'm making sense... (I don't even know who I'm talking to). As my Grandfather would say; "Its safe as life!" Life is dangerous that ironic bastard had told me so throughout my childhood (cute little pic with my sis and him attached).
I think I might write. I don't know what though. I was watching 'Stuck in Love' the other day and it was a firm advocated for 'experience.' To transcend the comfort zone to really experience life. That is what a writer needs. I think I'm too taken by this idea but I have tried to be more worldly. More open to everything and everyone. I even went on a date (definitely an extreme).

I want to be worldly. Then again I have a habit of being too ambitious. 

On a lighter note, I think I might get back into blogging. Otherwise I'm just thrashing around on the internet aimlessly.

P.s Don't sweat the small stuff, they're usually not worth it

Love always,

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